/** * dynupdate.js: Dynamic update of product content for VirtueMart * * @package VirtueMart * @subpackage Javascript Library * @author Max Galt * @copyright Copyright (c) 2014 VirtueMart Team. All rights reserved. * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL */ if (typeof Virtuemart === "undefined") var Virtuemart = {}; jQuery(function($) { // Add to cart and other scripts may check this variable and return while // the content is being updated. Virtuemart.isUpdatingContent = false; Virtuemart.recalculate = false; Virtuemart.recalculate = false; Virtuemart.setBrowserState = true; Virtuemart.updateContent = function(url, callback) { if(Virtuemart.isUpdatingContent) return false; Virtuemart.isUpdatingContent = true; urlSuf='tmpl=component&format=html&dynamic=1'; var glue = '&'; if(url.indexOf('&') == -1 && url.indexOf('?') == -1){ glue = '?'; } url += glue+urlSuf; $(this).vm2front("startVmLoading"); $.ajax({ url: url, dataType: 'html', success: function(data) { var title = $(data).filter('title').text(); $('title').text(title); var el = $(data).find(Virtuemart.containerSelector); if (! el.length) el = $(data).filter(Virtuemart.containerSelector); if (el.length) { Virtuemart.container.html(el.html()); Virtuemart.updateCartListener(); Virtuemart.updateDynamicUpdateListeners(); if (Virtuemart.updateImageEventListeners) Virtuemart.updateImageEventListeners(); if (Virtuemart.updateChosenDropdownLayout) Virtuemart.updateChosenDropdownLayout(); //Virtuemart.product($("form.product")); if(Virtuemart.recalculate) { $("form.js-recalculate").each(function(){ if ($(this).find(".product-fields").length && !$(this).find(".no-vm-bind").length) { var id= $(this).find('input[name="virtuemart_product_id[]"]').val(); Virtuemart.setproducttype($(this),id); } }); } } Virtuemart.isUpdatingContent = false; if (callback && typeof(callback) === "function") { callback(); } $(this).vm2front("stopVmLoading"); }, error: function(datas) { alert('Error updating page'); Virtuemart.isUpdatingContent = false; $(this).vm2front("stopVmLoading"); }, statusCode: { 404: function() { Virtuemart.isUpdatingContent = false; $(this).vm2front("stopVmLoading"); alert( "page not found" ); } } }); Virtuemart.isUpdatingContent = false; } // GALT: this method could be renamed into more general "updateEventListeners" // and all other VM init scripts placed in here. Virtuemart.updateCartListener = function() { // init VM's "Add to Cart" scripts should be in a function registered for the trigger, so long, just quickn dirty if (typeof Virtuemart.product !== "undefined"){ Virtuemart.product($(".product")); } $('body').trigger('updateVirtueMartProductDetail'); } Virtuemart.updL = function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var url = $(this).attr('href'); Virtuemart.setBrowserNewState(url); Virtuemart.updateContent(url); } Virtuemart.upd = function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var url = $(this).attr('url'); if (typeof url === typeof undefined || url === false) { url = $(this).val(); } if(url!=null){ url = url.replace(/amp;/g, ''); Virtuemart.setBrowserNewState(url); Virtuemart.updateContent(url); } }; Virtuemart.updForm = function(event) { cartform = $("#checkoutForm"); carturl = cartform.attr('action'); if (typeof carturl === typeof undefined || carturl === false) { carturl = $(this).attr('url'); console.log('my form no action url, try attr url ',cartform); if (typeof carturl === typeof undefined || carturl === false) { carturl = 'index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=cart'; console.log('my form no action url, try attr url ',carturl); } } urlSuf='tmpl=component'; carturlcmp = carturl; if(carturlcmp.indexOf(urlSuf) == -1){ var glue = '&'; if(carturlcmp.indexOf('&') == -1 && carturlcmp.indexOf('?') == -1){ glue = '?'; } carturlcmp += glue+urlSuf; } cartform.submit(function() { if(Virtuemart.isUpdatingContent) return false; Virtuemart.isUpdatingContent = true; $(this).vm2front("startVmLoading"); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: carturlcmp, dataType: "html", data: cartform.serialize(), // serializes the form's elements. success: function(datas) { if (typeof window._klarnaCheckout !== "undefined"){ window._klarnaCheckout(function (api) { //console.log(' updateSnippet suspend'); api.suspend(); }); } var el = $(datas).find(Virtuemart.containerSelector); if (! el.length) el = $(datas).filter(Virtuemart.containerSelector); if (el.length) { Virtuemart.container.html(el.html()); //Virtuemart.updateCartListener(); //Virtuemart.updDynFormListeners(); //Virtuemart.updateCartListener(); if (Virtuemart.updateImageEventListeners) Virtuemart.updateImageEventListeners(); if (Virtuemart.updateChosenDropdownLayout) Virtuemart.updateChosenDropdownLayout(); } jQuery('body').trigger('updateVirtueMartCartModule'); Virtuemart.setBrowserNewState(carturl); Virtuemart.isUpdatingContent = false; $(this).vm2front("stopVmLoading"); if (typeof window._klarnaCheckout !== "undefined"){ window._klarnaCheckout(function (api) { //console.log(' updateSnippet suspend'); api.resume(); }); } }, error: function(datas) { alert('Error updating cart'); Virtuemart.isUpdatingContent = false; $(this).vm2front("stopVmLoading"); }, statusCode: { 404: function() { Virtuemart.isUpdatingContent = false; $(this).vm2front("stopVmLoading"); alert( "page not found" ); } } }); return false; // avoid to execute the actual submit of the form. }); }; Virtuemart.updFormS = function(event) { Virtuemart.updForm(); $("#checkoutForm").submit(); } Virtuemart.updDynFormListeners = function() { $('#checkoutForm').find('*[data-dynamic-update=1]').each(function(i, el) { var nodeName = el.nodeName; el = $(el); //console.log('updDynFormListeners ' + nodeName, el); switch (nodeName) { case 'BUTTON': el[0].onchange = null; el.off('click',Virtuemart.updForm); el.on('click',Virtuemart.updForm); default: el[0].onchange = null; el.off('click',Virtuemart.updFormS); el.on('click',Virtuemart.updFormS); break; } }); } Virtuemart.updateDynamicUpdateListeners = function() { $('*[data-dynamic-update=1]').each(function(i, el) { var nodeName = el.nodeName; el = $(el); //console.log('updateDynamicUpdateListeners '+nodeName, el); switch (nodeName) { case 'A': el[0].onclick = null; el.off('click',Virtuemart.updL); el.on('click',Virtuemart.updL); break; default: el[0].onchange = null; el.off('change',Virtuemart.upd); el.on('change',Virtuemart.upd); } }); } var everPushedHistory = false; var everFiredPopstate = false; Virtuemart.setBrowserNewState = function (url) { if(!Virtuemart.setBrowserState) return false; if (typeof window.onpopstate == "undefined") return; var stateObj = { url: url } everPushedHistory = true; try { history.pushState(stateObj, "", url); } catch(err) { // Fallback for IE window.location.href = url; return false; } } Virtuemart.browserStateChangeEvent = function(event) { // Fix. Chrome and Safari fires onpopstate event onload. // Also fix browsing through history when mixed with Ajax updates and // full updates. if (!everPushedHistory && event.state == null && !everFiredPopstate) return; everFiredPopstate = true; var url; if (event.state == null) { url = window.location.href; } else { url = event.state.url; } Virtuemart.updateContent(url); } window.onpopstate = Virtuemart.browserStateChangeEvent; });